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Labels on all plants?

Yes but why ?


Each plant, flower, tree or shrub sold has a label containing a multitude of information.


We offer you below a basis of our observations on the plant market.


Over the past 20 years, the plant label has evolved from a way for the grower to label the product to a way for the consumer to gather information about the product of purchase.

Labels are now about consumer information, why the consumer should buy this product, care and sale prices. Labels play the role of silent salesman. A way to make the customer feel a little more comfortable purchasing the product and support their purchasing decision.


In the middle of the spring season, 90% of customers do not have the opportunity to see someone face to face.

Plants with labels sell much better, much more easily. If it doesn't have a label on it, people stay away from it. They don't know what to do with it. So at least in this situation the retailer realizes the value a label adds to the sales process.


​What should be written on a label?


There are several things that can help a plant sell. Instead of simple care requirements, you want to give the consumer reasons to buy this plant. If it attracts butterflies, or is drought tolerant, put it on the label.


Opt for information that encourages the consumer to make a purchase, and not warnings that will make them think that taking care of this plant will be too difficult, which will ultimately lead them to not validate their purchase.


​Icons are easily recognizable images used to present care information: for example, full sun or shade. They can also be used to detail how much water a plant needs or what size and shape it will be when mature. It's our version of a plant emoji.


People recognize emojis; so they recognize the icons. Space is limited on a label. So we really need to concisely put the appropriate information in there that the consumer feels comfortable with and will see quickly.


​Let’s still remember the essentials! A label is above all the “identity card” of a plant.

To fully fulfill this function, the item code and reference, its packaging will be systematically indicated. Barcodes will notably be an element making it possible to limit errors and increase efficiency during collection, inventories and goods controls.


Since the introduction of the plant passport, the labels have also changed in their presentation.

They are sometimes even only used for this.


You will therefore have understood that their presentation evolves over time and that it plays a preponderant role in the appreciation of plants by all generations and particularly in this period of accelerated digitalization!

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